As a responsible dog owner, receiving notification that someone is pursuing a compensation claim against you after being bitten by your dog can be a shock.
UK research indicates that one in four people have been bitten by a dog in their lifetime, with a third of bites requiring medical attention but only 0.6% requiring hospital attendance. So, while being seriously injured by a dog is relatively rare, any minor injury to a human which involves your pet will still be a cause for concern. What happens if my dog bites someone? In the immediate aftermath of a bite or attack, the police often become involved to assess if your animal is dangerous or could be considered out of control. The outcome of this investigation could be a warning, community resolution order, fine, banning order or even prison sentence in the most serious of cases. But regardless of any action the police may take in a criminal capacity, you may still be subjected to civil legal proceedings in the form of being sued via a compensation claim made by the injured party. If this occurs then you'll need to be aware of the options available in defending a dog related personal injury claim, and that you cannot always be held legally responsible for injuries that have been caused by your pet. Insurance covering dog bite claims.
Does home insurance cover dog bites?
There are various insurance policies which you may have in place that can cover you in the event that a personal injury claim is made against you as a dog owner. Whether you dog bit someone on your property or in a public place (street, park, woods etc.)
Should you receive a claim, it's recommended to first check for any possible insurance policy, and if cover exists, report the claim to your insurer as soon as possible. They will then take over the handling of the claim and instruct a solicitor to act on your behalf. Dog bite claim with no insurance
If no insurance cover exists, or your insurer refuses to indemnify you, then you need to seek advice from a personal injury defence lawyer on your uninsured dog bite claim.
The Letter of Claim you receive informing you of the claim will need to be acknowledged in a certain timeframe (usually 21 days) so gaining legal advice as soon as this letter is received is highly recommended.
Dog bites and the law.
For a claimant to be successful in their damages claim they must prove that the owner or keeper was responsible for the actions of the animal, and/or have been negligent in some way.
The Animals Act
A key piece of law that is often cited in animal attack cases is the Animals Act 1971. This legislation defines the conditions that a dog’s keeper can be responsible for the behaviour and damage caused by their dog.
The act provides three tests that must be met before the owner or person in possession of the animal can be held liable for any damage that has been caused. Basically, these tests are that: a. The damage or injury was likely to be caused by the animal unless it was restrained, and b. It was caused by a characteristic of the animal, and c. The characteristic was known to the owner or keeper of the animal. While any dog has the ability to bite, they will generally only ever do this in unusual circumstances which may not be able to be reasonably foreseen by the keeper. The Occupiers Liability Act
Another piece of legislation used in dog bite compensation claims is the Occupiers' Liability Act 1957 if the claimant was a visitor to the defendant's property.
These laws basically place a responsibility on the occupier of a property to ensure that any visitors will be safe on the premises for the purpose of their visit. An occupier could be classed as anyone that has a reasonable degree of control over the property where the incident occurred. So a claim may also be made against someone other than the official owner of the dog. Proving negligence in dog bite cases
Being the owner or handler of a dog, you owe the public and any visitors to your home a 'duty of care' to prevent the animal from injuring them. If a claimant can prove that an owner has breached this duty, and so has been negligent, then they may be entitled to compensation.
A person simply being bitten by a dog does not mean that the owner has been negligent. A claimant would need to show that they were aware that the dog attack could happen and failed to take adequate steps to prevent it. Need advice on defending a dog bite claim in the UK?Our personal injury defence solicitors can provide dog bite legal advice on any claim against you for a simple fixed fee. Dog Bite Defence LawyersDefences to a dog bite injury.
As you have probably gathered, defending a dog bite compensation claim is a complex task and you should obtain specialist legal advice when faced with a claim.
An experienced solicitor can investigate the circumstances of the incident, as well as the history of the animal, to present all mitigating factors on why you may not be liable for the injuries caused. For example, common dog bite law defences may include:
When it comes to the law, your beloved family pet is simply considered a piece of property that has inflicted damage on another person. So if you are placed in the position of defending a claim, ensure you seek the legal advice you need and your pet deserves.
If you've a consumer or business issue that you've been unable to resolve with informal discussions or negotiation, the next step is usually civil legal action.
As the Claimant in a claim it will cost you time and money to issue court proceedings and there are four 'tracks' which a claim can be allocated to depending on the complexity and value of the matter.
The majority of disputes and subsequent claims fall into the Small Claims Track which is designed for use without the need of a solicitor. However, in reality the process can be complex with various procedures, dates and correspondence all to be complied with. But before starting down the path of issuing a claim, you need to have an understanding of how much it may cost to take someone to the small claims court. Small Claims Court Fees.
Being the Claimant, you will need to the pay fees to the County Court to start and run the claim. These Court Fees are payable at two key stages of the claim and are required in advance, so ensure you have these available prior to starting your claim.
Should your claim be successful, and a judgment be returned in your favour, all the Court Fees you have paid will be added to the amount the Defendant must pay you. Small claim court fees and limits and can vary across the UK as well as with different types of claims (personal injury, housing disrepair etc). In this guide we'll be referring to the process in England and Wales for Money Claims. While there is technically no minimum amount for a money claim, the lowest issue fee (the fee you pay to start the process) is £35.00. Therefore if the amount you are looking to recover is very small, you should consider if issuing a claim will be cost effective for you. Small Claims Court Issue Fee.
The Issue Fee is required when you first submit your Claim Form to the court and start your claim.
A claim can be submitted with a paper claim form or via the Internet using the Money Claim Online service. Previously there was an issue fee discount for using the online service, however this discount was withdrawn in May 2021. Still the benefit of submitting the claim online is that you won't have to print and post the documents, so your claim will be issued faster. You will however need to register for an online account and you cannot use this service if you don't know the exact amount you are claiming for or the defendants are outside England or Wales. Regardless of which method you use to submit your claim, the Issue Fee will be based on the amount you are claiming or the amount that you are estimating the claim is worth.
Correct as at 15 March 2024, but please see EX50 for full details and latest fees.
If using the online service this fee is payable by credit or debit card prior to submission. If you use a paper claim form, you will need to include a cheque or postal order for the correct fee.
If your claim isn't disputed or defended, then judgment will be awarded in your favour and no other court fees will be payable (known as judgment by default). Small Claims Hearing Fee.
If the claim is defended, then the case will need to proceed to a small claim hearing unless an agreement or settlement is reached beforehand. The court will send both parties a proposed allocation to the small claims track along with a Directions Questionnaire.
The Directions Questionnaire will ask you details about your claim in preparation for a hearing, including the proposed track, court location, any expert evidence, witnesses and if there are hearing dates to avoid. While claims are usually allocated to the track based on the amount that is being claimed, the judge can alter this based on other factors, such as the complexity of the matter. Once both parties have submitted a Directions Questionnaire, this will lead to an order from the court confirming the track and giving a date for the hearing, exchange of evidence and a date for paying the hearing fee. As with the other small claims court fees, the hearing fee for a small claim hearing will be based on the amount being claimed:
Small Claims Mediation Service Cost.
The Directions Questionnaire will also ask if you agree to your claim being referred to the Small Claims Mediation Service. If both parties agree to this, then a mediation appointment will be organised by telephone and a mediator will attempt to reach a settlement over the course of an hour or so.
The HMCTS Small Claims Mediation Service is free of cost so should be seriously considered as an option. Also, mediation appointments will be available quicker than a court hearing and you won't incur the Hearing Fee if the claim is settled at mediation. It is expected that mediation will become a compulsory step in the small claims process in the future. As it is seen as an opportunity to settle disputes quickly and free up court time. If mediation fails, then the claim will proceed to a hearing and the Hearing Fee will become due. Small Claims Expert Costs.
Depending on your dispute, you may require an expert to provide evidence to support your claim. You will need the court to grant permission to use an expert and if permission is granted you will then need to pay the expert to produce written evidence.
As with court fees, if using an expert has been approved and your claim is successful, the cost of the expert will be recovered from the defendant up to a maximum of £750. What costs can be recovered in small claims?
If your claim is successful, as well as the court fees and approved expert costs, there may be other items you can claim and recover from the losing party.
There are various rules and limits around what can be claimed so it is always a good idea to get legal advice before starting your claim. Without legal advice then there is a risk you could miss out on recovering costs that you are entitled to claim from the opposing party. Ultimately it will be down the court to deicide what costs and rate of interest are awarded in a successful claim, with the Judge having a wide discretion. Examples of small claim costs.
Unpaid Invoice or Loan debt of £1,400.00
£80.00 - Claim Issue Fee (due when you submit your claim)
Faulty Goods valued at £2,800.00
£115.00 - Claim Issue Fee (due when you submit your claim)
Poor Service or Workmanship costing £450.00
£50.00 - Claim Issue Fee (due when you submit your claim) How much does a lawyer cost for the small claims court?
Although the small claims process is designed to be conducted without legal representation, many people still choose to use a solicitor and can recover some of these costs as part of their claim.
The way legal representation costs for small claim are calculated is complex and relates to the claim amount, how the Claim Form is served and the number of Defendants. There are then further costs that can be claimed if judgment is entered which depends on the amount claimed and how the judgment was obtained.
Therefore, if you choose to use a solicitor for you small claim, you can typically expect to receive around £50 to £130 awarded towards your legal costs if your claim was successful.
The relatively low legal representative costs that are recoverable in the Small Claims Court is the reason you don't see 'no win no fee' funding being an option when dealing with small claims. So if you do decide to seek legal help with a claim, ensure you look for a law firm offering fixed fee small claims services. Looking for help with making a Small Claim?Our Small Claim Solicitors can advise and issue your court claim for a transparent and straightforward fixed fee. Business Small Debt Claims Personal Small Debt ClaimsDo I need a solicitor for the small claims court?
While you may not be able to recover all your legal costs as part of your claim, there are still some compelling reasons to consider instructing a solicitor for a small claim.
Firstly (and most importantly) a solicitor will be able to advise you on the law and your prospects of success. Spending money on issuing and attending a court hearing only to have no basis for a claim would be an expensive mistake. Secondly a solicitor will be an expert on litigation and the court process, ensuring you comply with the relevant directions/deadlines and that your claim is comprehensive. If your claim is significant, missing out or even miscalculating an item such as your interest entitlement can prove costly. Finally, even if your claim is successful and judgment is awarded in your favour you may still need to enforce that judgment. A lawyer can advise you on the most cost effective and productive enforcement methods that are available. Should I take someone to the small claims court?
Taking a person or a business to the small claims court isn't free and not without risk. Knowing the potential costs along when fees will require paying is likely to influence your decision on if it is worthwhile process to undertake.
However, if your claim has merit and you can afford the court fees, then many of your small claims court costs will be awarded back to you should your claim be successful.
Most drivers have never heard of the Motor Insurers' Bureau (MIB), but if you have been involved in a road accident and there is a problem with your motor insurance policy, you may have received a letter from them with a claim against you.
By law you must have a valid insurance policy to drive on UK roads. While some drivers choose to deliberately avoid purchasing insurance, for others it can be more of an oversight. Insurance policies can have complex terms and conditions which if not understood fully at the time of purchase can result in a policy holder not being covered for the use they require. But by far the most common oversight is simply not renewing or updating key details on an existing policy. While the reason for being uninsured may be a genuine mistake, it will have little impact on your legal options in the event of an accident and the MIBs involvement in a legal matter. Understanding the MIB's role.
The MIB is a non-profit organisation that steps in to provide compensation to victims of road traffic accidents when the at fault driver is uninsured, untraced, or has a foreign-registered vehicle.
They provide a safety net for these innocent victims by settling claims for personal injury, property damage and associated losses. Ultimately resulting in the claim being dealt with as if the at fault driver had the benefit of an insurer. In 2023 the MIB assisted on approximately 30,000 incidents and paid out compensation of over £375 million, with both these figures being predicted to increase in the coming years. While the MIB plays a crucial role in ensuring that victims receive compensation, it also has a responsibility to protect the interests of its contributing insurance companies. This means after a victim's claim has been dealt with, the MIB may then pursue monetary legal action against the uninsured individual if it believes they share some responsibility for the accident. Dealing with a claim received from the MIB.
The injured party (the Claimant) will have likely instructed solicitors to act on their behalf. The solicitors will have made enquiries on the parties involved in the accident and established their insurance position. If no valid insurance policy has been found, then they will refer the claim to the MIB.
Depending on the progress of the claim, you may have received a letter from the MIB advising you of their involvement or court proceedings from the claimant’s solicitor naming you as a Defendant along with the MIB. If the MIB have written to you requesting information on the accident, you should provide them with the required details, your version of events and any physical evidence you have of the incident (collision damage photographs, dashcam footage etc.). The MIB will want to thoroughly investigate the incident to establish the facts and the potential liability (fault) position. While you may have been without insurance at the time of the collision, this does not automatically mean you were fully at fault for the accident. But likewise, if the accident was clearly your fault, then the MIB being aware of this may expedite the claim process and ultimately reduce the legal costs that are incurred as part of any compensation claim. Defending a claim with the MIB.
In any court proceedings following an accident, it is likely that both you and the MIB would be named as Defendants. While you may think that this means you are both on the same side against the Claimant, the MIB has no obligation to advise you or act in your best interests.
Therefore, it is essential to act promptly to obtain your own legal advice and representation to respond to the claim. There will be tight deadlines to acknowledge the claim and submit your Defence. Failure to do this will likely result in the Claimant obtaining judgment (CCJ) against you. A defendant personal injury solicitor will be able to advise you on your position, comply with the court proceedings and liaise with the MIB's solicitor on common issues where it is appropriate to do so. While there is always the possibility that after the accident claim is concluded the MIB may make a separate claim to pursue you for the costs they have incurred. This should not prevent you from robustly defending the allegations and dealing with the accident claim. In a best-case scenario, you may be successful in your defence resulting in the Motor Insurers' Bureau not having to pay out compensation to the claimant. However even if the claimant's claim is successful, in full or in part, your defence and compliance with the proceedings will likely reduce the costs incurred by the MIB and ultimately what you may be liable for. Told to seek independent advice on defending an accident claim involving the Motor Insurers' Bureau?Our specialist defendant road traffic accident solicitors can provide legal advice on the claim, court proceedings and defence. Motor Insurance Bureau Claim DefenceLegal advice to defend a claim when uninsured.
If you find yourself being claimed against as an uninsured driver, you still have the right to defend the claim and allegations yourself, regardless of the MIBs involvement.
While the MIB may eventually be responsible for paying any compensation awarded, simply ignoring the correspondence and any court proceedings is not advisable. As this will likely just increase the duration and costs of the claim. Therefore, you should always seek legal assistance as soon as possible from your own experienced personal injury defence lawyer. By obtaining specialist advice, guidance and legal knowledge of the MIB uninsured drivers agreement, you can protect your position and ensure a fair outcome. |
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